Are you driven by achievement, a workaholic, basing all your self-worth on productivity? If so, it’s time to get a better perspective on life. Achievement isn’t everything and the problem with this attitude is that you could have an emotional crash when you retire or your business slumps.
Try changing your thinking to something like ‘It’s great to achieve, to do well, but it’s not everything. I can learn valuable lessons when I don’t do so well. It’s okay!’ Try to enjoy the creative process of doing things. Workaholics often have the attitude that only they can get the job done properly and so are reluctant to delegate any work. Assess whether this attitude is really valid as it only increases your stress.
Stress leads to burnout which is just a more acceptable name for depression stemming from the work-place. Change your attitude. Work is obviously a good thing, but it can be problematic if it overwhelms all the other aspects of your life. Your family and your children also need your time. If you neglect them in favor or your work you might just find that they are no longer available when you need them!
Try to find a balance in the different areas of your life.
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