I’ve just had the pleasure of reading Full Circle, a collection of South African short stories by Pamela Williams. Her stories are amusing and many of the quirky endings were unexpected and gave me a good laugh.
Many people who struggle with depression fall into the category of ‘victim’ or ‘rescuer’ . Victims attract rescuers. You might even recognize something of yourself in this story. Hope you enjoy it.
Should you wish to purchase a copy of this book, you may do so via my contact form. Thanks Pamela for allowing me to share this delightful story.
CRY POWER by Pamela Williams
Judged by any standard, my sister Julie would not have been numbered among all things bright and beautiful. Neither bright nor beautiful, perhaps, but rendered strangely powerful by the air of helplessness, of defencelessness, which she exuded. Read more…
Karin Stewart says
Hi, I have been a counselor for many years and when I read this story, I knew I had to share it because from my experience I knew it to be true “Victims attract Rescuers”. When you think about it its logically true because a victim unconsciously searches for someone who will rescue them. Many years ago I read this book “Women who love too much” by Robin Norwood (http://www.amazon.com/Women-Who-Love-Too-Much/dp/1416550216) which was also a real eye-opener because the author says that that you can look back on a relationship and probably even remember the moment that you were attracted to your partner in a Rescuer/Victim relationship. The book is very worthwhile getting. Also look up articles on codependency. Have a look at my checklist here. http://overcoming-depression.org/?s=codependency Best wishes, Karin