– The Effect of Stress

In the medical world, Stress Hives are usually referred to as Stress Urticaria. These hives or skin rash usually appear suddenly and are a direct result of tension and severe stress. They appear as red inflamed areas of the skins and can be on any part of the body. Stress hives are itchy and can also manifest with a stinging or burning sensation. Very uncomfortable indeed!
Stress is bad for the body and over a period of time excessive stress causes the immune system to weaken. The body reacts by releasing histamines, as stress is seen by the body as a threat that needs to be counteracted. However the histamines released by the body are insufficient – the body has become allergic to stress. The result is the very obvious hives on the body.Stress hives, or any type of hives for that matter, can be dangerous especially if the face or throat become swollen, as this can result in difficulty with breathing. In this case, immediate medical help is called for.

Specialists dealing with Stress Hives, regard it as an emotional problem, rather than a physical illness. Once the person has released all their stress and learns to deal with their stress, the hives disappear. Our bodies are made up of body, mind and spirit and approximately 80% of all medical cases seen by a doctor actually have an emotional or psychological root. Once the emotional problem is sorted out, the physical symptoms also go. The physical reaction, of stress hives, is essentially telling you that there are things in your emotional life that need to be worked through.
It is interesting that actual allergies are only responsible for a small number of cases of hives – approximately 5 – 10 %. However, many people find a diagnosis of a psychological cause hard to accept and endlessly seek a medical solution without sorting out the stress in their lives.
Stress hives can also be treated with medication obtainable from your pharmacist or doctor. But use the opportunity to get rid of the stress in your life and learn how to deal with stress. That is the way you will really get better.
Hives can be aggravated by wearing close fitting clothes and covering the inflamed areas with clothing. Don’t take baths that are too hot or too cold as this will also cause more skin irritation.
Stress Hives is a very distressing and uncomfortable condition to live with and I would really encourage you to sort out your stress and even seek therapy.
If you would like to learn more about dealing with stress in your life, please click here.