- Exam Stress
Exams looming before you? Battling to stay focused? Watch your thoughts because that’s where all the stress starts. And to put it bluntly, stress stops you from thinking properly. Here are 10 tips to beat exam stress. Demolish these thoughts that will definitely put you off your studies!
1. Do you think you’re not clever enough to achieve good results?
You really don’t have to have an really don’t need an incredibly high IQ to pass exams. The important thing is to believe in yourself and work to do your best.
2. Do you have visions of failing and then your whole life will be ruined?
Stop jumping to conclusions and predicting into the future! This type of thinking is really the source of anxiety. Many people writing exams feel they’re going to fail. You’re not alone in your thinking, even though it may not be based in reality. Make a list of your fears and then tear up the list and get on with your studies. Try to think more positively and visualize success.
3. Do you think of yourself as ‘no-good’ at exams and any achievement you’ve had was purely due to good luck?
Stop negatively stereotyping yourself and give yourself credit for all the hard work you’ve done. Many people minimize their achievements rather than acknowledge all the work that they’ve done. It’s not boasting but rather recognizing the truth.
4. Do you feel very stressed and panicky?
Try screaming out loud and let all that stress come out! Seriously though watch your breathing. As soon as you feel panicky, consciously re-establish good breathing patterns. Short breath in through the nose, long breath out through your mouth. Really deflate your lungs. This will stop you from hyperventilating and stop a panic attack from developing. Try out my 3-Step Anxiety Relaxation Technique as this can really help you to de-stress.
5. Do you feel as though you are running out of time?
The only way to deal with this is to have a study plan so you can allocate your time wisely. Not to do so is really foolish as you will likely not get through all your studies. Having said that do adjust your study plan as needed.
6. Do you find your mind wondering instead of concentrating?
If so, it’s time for a break. Preferably plan a break for every 40 minutes or so. Walk about, have a cup of tea, phone a friend. Then you’ll feel refreshed to carry on. If you have a lot of other things on your mind, not related to your studies, write them on a piece of paper and then forget about them. When you have the time, then look at your list again.
7. Having difficulty remembering some important facts?
Trying to remember information can sometimes be very hard. Try and associate the information with something visual. Even making a little rhyme using the words, or their first letters can help. Also stick to learning key-words that can trigger off your memory of the other facts.
8. Give your brain a workout
Focus on the difficult subjects in the morning when your brain is still fresh. Leave the easy subjects for later.
9. Ask your friends for help
It can be very helpful to try and teach your friends what you are studying. This is where parents can be very useful! This helps to ensure that you’ve properly remembered the facts.
10. Do you get sleepy when you’re trying to study?
Make sure the room you ‘re studying in allows in fresh air. In other words, make sure that the window is a bit open allowing in plenty of oxygen for your brain. Also don’t study while lying down in bed. That’s a sure way of easily nodding off to sleep.
Finally, bear in mind that these exams are for you alone. Most of all you’re trying to please yourself and do the best for your own sake. Good Luck!!